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Instant Waaa-Laa!

Since it is so difficult with the drought to keep the grass as lush as we all prefer, I suggest placing beautiful pots in strategic locations. For instance, on the patio, in the flower beds, just outside your entry, under a tree, by the garage, by your mail box, even in your house! GOODNESS, the list could be endless. The center photo is a pot made into a fountain. Close your eyes for a second, (read this first!) You’re stretched out on your favorite comfortable chase lounge, with the world’s most delicious drink, tucked away in the silence of your back yard…all you hear are birdies tweeting (not the annoying ones) and the rippling sound from  a beautiful fountain, ahhhhhh … just relaxxxxxx. Let the worries of the day float away. (This seriously could occur, that is ‘peace’; make a note, you are what is around you!)

The last photo is an example of an arrangement of pots full of texture and color.   F.Y.I. we will be happy to come to your home and replant your pots any time of the year.

We are open Monday through Saturday 8am-6pm. Come by …we’ll talk pots!

Until later, this is Tom’s Horticulturist, Vronka.

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